China Eastern Airlines BOEING 777-300ER (77W) Seat Maps


BOEING 777-300ER (77W)

Seating details

6 seats in total
First Cabin:
6 seats

Facility key

G - Galley
BK - Bulkhead
CL - Closet
KN - Bulkhead
LA - Lavatory
ST - Stairs to upper deck

Seat map key

1 - Restricted seat - General
9 - Center seat (not window, not aisle)
A - Aisle seat
B - Seat with bassinet facility
E - Exit row seat
H - Seat with facilities for handicapped/incapacitated passenger
I - Seat suitable for adult with an infant
K - Bulkhead seat
L - Leg space seat
O - Preferential seat
Q - Seat in a quiet zone
V - Seat to be left vacant or offered last
W - Window seat
1A - Seat not allowed for infant
1B - Seat not allowed for medical
1C - Seat not allowed for unaccompanied minor
1D - Restricted recline seat
1M - Seat with movie view
1W - Window seat without window
3B - Individual video screen-Choice of movies, games, information, etc
AG - Seat adjacent to galley
AL - Seat adjacent to lavatory
CH - Chargeable seats
EK - Economy comfort seat
FC - Front of cabin class/compartment
IE - Seat not suitable for child
LS - Left side of aircraft
OW - Overwing seat(s)
PC - Pet cabin
RS - Right side of aircraft
UP - Upper deck





