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Detailed Airplane Seat Maps

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Everything you need to choose the perfect airplane seat

Search and explore any flight's seatmap for free. Get detailed aircraft layouts, seat reviews, and real-time availability - upgrade only if you want seat alerts.

Real-time Seat Tracking

Monitor seat availability in real-time for your upcoming flights. Get notifications when your preferred seats become available.

Detailed Seat Information

Access comprehensive details about each seat, including legroom, recline, proximity to galleys and lavatories, and passenger reviews.

Seat Alerts

Set up alerts for specific seats or seat types and receive instant notifications when they become available.

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Why Choose

Our comprehensive flight seat tracking system helps you make informed decisions for a more comfortable journey.

Worldwide Coverage
Access detailed seatmaps for airlines and aircraft types worldwide, from major carriers to regional operators.
Real-time Updates
Stay informed with live seat availability updates and instant notifications when your preferred seats become available.
Passenger Reviews
Read authentic reviews from fellow travelers about specific seats, helping you make informed decisions.
Advanced Booking Tools
Plan ahead with our booking calendar integration and seat prediction algorithms for the best possible seat selection.

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Ready to maximize your comfort? Check out our seatmaps today.